
Bottle Drive Reminder

A reminder about the Bottle Drive, next weekend:

Returns for Leukemia Research is a fundraising initiative of The Beer Store and its employee union, UFCW Local 12R24, to raise funds for the Leukemia & Lymphoma Society of Canada.

On the weekend of May 23 and 24, customers will be invited to donate all or a portion of their empty bottle refund to the Society. 100% of the funds they contribute will go directly to the charity.

In 2008, we were proud to raise $647,913 to support the Society in its fight against leukemia, lymphoma, Hodgkinā€™s disease and myeloma.

This year, our goal is to raise $800,000 across the province.

Join us at the Dougall or Walker & Richmond stores — we’ll have food! We’re both having BBQs again this year.


If you are interested in helping out, contact Nick through the facebook page above OR for those who are Facebookless, hit up the webiste: for more details or to sign up as a volunteer.

Even if you can’t help out for the day, mark the date down and plan on returning and donating your empties to a great cause on those days at the Beer Store on Dougall or the one at Walker and Richmond, right beside the burned out hulk. šŸ™‚

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