Old Newspaper StoriesOld PhotographsWindsor

Soper & Dupis Real Estate

In my collection I have a book full of photographs of the Border Cities and their industries from 1913. This photo below is captioned “Soper & Dupis Real Estate Office” but there was never any other information about it, and I always wondered about this little house…

I figured it was destined to remain a mystery until I stumbled across this little blurb in the Microfilm of the Evening Record, May 23, 1913:

This is the fancy real estate office that Dr. Soper erected on his property at the corner of Ouellette Avenue and Chatham Street. It has been much admired and well patronized since the Riverview Subdivision was placed on the market. R. M. Morton the selling agent is standing on the verandah. This sub-division lies between Sandwich and Windsor. It is already recognized as the new (illegible) residential district for this community. Many lots have been sold to outside buyers, who are figuring on spending $5,000 and upwards on the houses they put up.

The location today is home to the Bank of Montreal on Ouellette. To the rear of the office you can see the former home of Vital Ouellette. The Ouellette house, used to sit on this corner of Chatham & Ouellette and was move east one lot in 1903. It was the first brick building moved in Windsor. At the time of this photo, it was home to the Windsor Club. I featured the building when it was home to the Windsor Castle Cafe in the 1930’s. It was most recently home to Jason’s.

The Riverview subdivision was located in West Windsor, along Vista Place and Patricia Road. Most of it was never developed.

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Recent Comments:

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