
Don’t Forget… This Sunday – 8:00 pm

Click here to hear the commercial that has been running on CJAM

— Just a quick reminder for Sunday night.. Should be fun! —

Windsor Ex-pat and founding member of Spacing Media Shawn Micallef in conjunction with, Phog Lounge and invite you to join in Windsor’s first Psychogeographic Walk. It’s going to be something fun, and new for those of us in Windsor, so mark the date off on your calendar, come for a walk and a drink or two and have a good time!

See below for all the details. It’s free, fun, and different.


Just want you wanted for the holidays – a psychogeographic walk through Windsor
WHAT: A Psychogeographic Walk Through Windsor
WHEN: December 28, 8pm
WHERE: Phog Louge, 157 University Avenue West

On December 28th, when you’re body is overstuffed with food and in need of a good evening walk, head to Phog Lounge and take one with some friends and strangers. When we move through cities we tend to stay on the beaten path, rarely diverting. We see Windsor from the same perspective each time. Psychogeography is a way of breaking out of that routine and paying attention to and getting excited about the locations in the city.

After a short talk on psychogeography, we will break up into small groups, each with a unique algorithm (a simple formula such as: walk two blocks, turn left; walk one block, turn right; walk one block, turn right; repeat) that will randomly guide you through Windsor. After an hour, everyone will return to Phog Lounge and trace their route on a giant Google Earth projection of the area on a paper-covered wall, adding in discovered details and personal landmarks along the way. The result will be one map that depicts a real and imagined Windsor experienced by all participants. This is an open and free event, and of course the drinks Phog serves can help motivate the map making*.

Phog Lounge and local award-winning blogs International Metropolis ( and Scale Down Windsor ( have teamed up with Toronto writer (and Windsor expat) Shawn Micallef to organize this event. Shawn is a Senior Editor at Spacing Magazine ( and co-founder of the location-based mobile phone documentary project [murmur] that has been set up around Toronto, Montreal, Vancouver, San Jose, Sao Paulo, Edinburgh and Dublin, Ireland. He’s been walking around his adopted city with the Toronto Psychogeography Society for the better part of a decade now.

*BYOF: In the true spirit of winter psychogeography, bring your own flask filled with warming and restorative fluids for the walk if you want – or be sure to have a stiff drink before leaving Phog

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