
Detroit Calendar & Antique Sale

A few odds and ends heading into the weekend.


Our good friend Rob over at, once again has the Detroit Historical Calendar for sale this year.

This is the fourth annual edition of the fact filled look back at Detroit’s history.

A great calendar for those who love old photographs and reading up on Detroit history, with significant dates in Motor City history noted on the calendar.

As usual, this great item makes a wonderful gift, and is priced at $9.99 USD.

They can be purchased through Rob’s eBay page, or you can e-mail him directly for more information or to arrange payment directly. Rob is always more than happy to ship to Canada.


Also, don’t miss out on The Friends of the Court 5th Annual Antique Show and Sale

The Friends of the Court Antique Show and Sale begins today, Friday, November 14 with an early-bird “sale” and party at Mackenzie Hall, 3277 Sandwich Street.

From 7-9 pm on Friday, November 14, guests are invited to enjoy the reception, silent auction and antique sale at Mackenzie Hall. Admission is only $5.00.

The antique sale continues on Saturday, November 15 from 10 am – 4 pm and Sunday, November 16 from Noon – 4 pm. Admission is $2.00 per person per day. Appraisals are available on Saturday and Sunday from noon – 4 pm at $5.00 per item (3 item limit).

The Friends of the Court was founded in 1981 to enhance the public enjoyment of The Hall. This registered volunteer group organizes tours, coordinates seasonal decorating, special events and stages annual fund- drives in support of Mackenzie Hall.

For general information and inquiries, call 311, or

Merry Ellen Scully-Mosna, Coordinator of Cultural Programming
Mackenzie Hall, City of Windsor
3277 Sandwich Street

So if you’re looking for something to do this weekend, head on down to Mackenzie Hall and check out the sale. Maybe you can get an early jump on your Christmas shopping!

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