NewsPhoto Du JourWindsor

Odds and Ends & Stuff to do this Weekend…

First off, a friendly jab towards our friends at the Windsor Star. For the third time I know of, International Metropolis has scooped the Star, with a posting here. So much for the blogs not being “real media”.

Actually I kid, it’s only in Windsor where bloggers are looked down upon…

Anyway, as I’m sure you remember back on Tuesday, I covered the Top Hat demolition.

One day later, I see this in the Star. Despite the fact that the building was demolished on Saturday, I guess it’s hard to make your way across Ouellette, what with the huge crowds down there every day shopping and whatnot… 😉

The same thing suspiciously happened in October, 2006, when I posted about the uncovering of the old foundations in Dieppe Park, during the prep work for the Peace Beacon. A few days later, a photo and a little blurb ran in the Star.

More recently in April of this year the same thing with the Seagrave Building demolition. Once again the Blog scoops the newspaper.

To my fans at the Star, I’m flattered, but it would be nice if you gave credit where credit is due once in a while 😉


AgendaCamp – This Sunday

There’s still time to register for this Sunday’s AgendaCamp.

It’s not every day that a Province wide show comes to town. Make sure that we fill all the spots in the AgendaCamp, and that we fill that studio audience Monday night for the live broadcast.

When I received my invitation to participate today, this info was in the email:

Participants for this event have great ideas and important stories to tell. Together we are going to start an important new conversation about the future of Ontario’s manufacturing economies and tell the story of the Windsor-Essex region – its current challenges and its opportunities for the future.

We have some AgendaCamp spaces left. Please help bring more of your friends, colleagues and neighbours to participate in this event. You may direct people to this link to register:

Sunday, October 19th
Art Gallery of Windsor
401 Riverside Drive West
Windsor, Ontario

Registration opens at 9:00 am. Please arrive by 9:30 am, we will be beginning promptly. A continental breakfast will be offered at check-in.
The event will finish by 4:30pm. Participants will have an opportunity to continue their conversations informally after the event at a nearby pub.

We will have laptops and digital video cameras available on loan for those who would like to help capture the content of the day and who do not have the right equipment. Free wireless internet access will be available for all participants.

If you have any questions, please send us an email at


If that’s not your bag, Sunday morning the Marathon blows through downtown… Come downtown early to catch the leaders as they make their way through downtown. Come cheer them on…

Also Sunday is the annual Fine Flea and Vintage Fair:

The Fine Flea runs from 10:00 am – 4:00 pm at Riverside Arena. $1 admission for entry, with proceeds to the Downtown Mission.

For more information, contact Magpie Antiques at 519-9445-5871.

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