Photo Du JourWindsor

Next up on the chopping block…

I know that I must seem like a broken record, but the former Bank of Montreal at Walker and Ottawa is next up for a date with the wrecking ball.

This beautiful old building was purchased by the owners of the plaza behind the bank.

No plans to reuse the building, but it sure would make a nifty parking lot!

The heritage committee at their last meeting made a motion to designate the property, this has at least frozen the demolition permit pending an upcoming council meeting.

This is far from over however. Make sure you e-mail or call your councilors and let them know that you support the preservation of Walkerville’s and Windsor’s architectural landmarks, and that this corner is too important to become a parking lot.

This building, given its location truly acts as a gateway into old Walkerville, either along Walker or along Ottawa. Any other city in Canada would love to have a building like this, and would have the vision to reuse it.

In Windsor, it’s the same story, greedy, short sighted property owners with visions of blacktop. Walker Road has lost enough of its heritage properties over the last few years, and enough is enough.

The citizens of Windsor have to help out, and stand up and let their elected officials know that we need to preserve what’s left.

If this historic building located in one of Windsor’s most historic districts (with apologies to Sandwich) can’t survive this attempt at demolition, then little hope remains for what’s left.

Article from the Border Cities Star, March, 1920.

Click the Image above to download a .pdf copy of the flyer

—————————————— has launched a facebook page as well, if you’re hooked up on facebook join them to keep updated about the battle to save the bank:

“Save Walkerville’s Architectural Heritage”.

“Spread the word! We’ve got to stop this attack on our heritage and the things that make this city!”.

Event: Save Walkerville’s Architectural Heritage
“Walkerville is under attack yet again”
What: Rally
Host: …Scale Down, Windsor
When: Today, June 8 at 1:40pm
Where: Your telephone/computer

To see more details and RSVP, follow the link below:

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