Photo Du JourWindsor

Shaarey Zedek Synagogue

While out last weekend with a friend from Detroit who runs a really interesting website on the Lost Synagogues of Detroit:, I was giving him the tour of the Windsor Synagogues when we got to Shaarey Zedek.

Located on Gilles Blvd. this synagogue was built in 1957.

According to the Windsor Jewish Federation website:

The Shaarey Zedek Synagogue, located at 610 Giles Blvd. E at Lillian is the oldest orthodox synagogue in Windsor. It has a membership of approximately 45 families. The Rabbi is Joseph Krupnik. Services are held every Friday evening and Saturday morning and every major holiday. If a member has a yarzeit every effort is made to gather a minyan. A study group is held with Rabbi Krupnik many Wednesday evenings during the year.
The phone number is 519-252-1594.

It’s a shame that the practice of laying cornerstones has gone out of fashion. It makes it so much easier when we try to uncover some history a few decades later.

Many thanks to Dan at Shaarey Zedek who allowed us to view the inside.

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