DetroitPhoto Du Jour

Palace Cleaners

This building at Jefferson and Manistique caught my eye the other day. If not for the old Gas Station look, at least for the mystery of why the building is adorned with the letter “N”.

So, I had an associate check out the history in his collection of city directories.

Here’s what he found:

The 1935 directory lists a Ned’s Auto Supply Co at 14701 E Jefferson. It says they are “Distributors of Firestone Tires, Rubber Footwear, Philco Radios, Electric Refrigerators, and Automobile Accessories. There are two other locations:

18023 John R corner of Nevada (apparently the main office then)
Station No 2, Dearborn Unit, 13823 Michigan Ave
Station No 3, East Side, 14701 E Jefferson

In the 1940 directory, they are listed simply as a retailer of auto accessories. The main office now appears to be at 9465 Grand River with branches at 14340 Gratiot, 18023 John R, and 10301 Woodward. No mention of the Michigan Avenue branch.

The 1946 Yellow Pages lists all 5 locations.

The 1961 White Pages lists 12 locations (several suburban) and the company is now called “Ned’s Firestone”. In the 1967 Yellow Pages, it lists all 12 locations in the Tires section, but there is no mention of Ned’s; they are all simply “Firestone Tires” dealers, but the addresses are the same.

Anyone out there have any memories of Ned’s?

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