DetroitPhoto Du Jour

Hard To Believe…

If there is one thing I never thought I would see, it is the renovation/restoartion of the Ransom Gillis House at 205 Alfred. Built in 1876, it was designed by architects Brush & Mason.

Here are some recent pictures of the home.

August 2002:

(What ever happened to the street signs? As you can see they’ve been missing for a few years)

June 2003:

July 2003:

August 2005:

January 2006:

March 2006:

It is just amazing to see the progress in Brush Park. While there are still some losses, this is a big victory. I can’t wait to watch this one progress.

There is an interesting website with some history here.

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Recent Comments:

  • Robert McMaster on Detroit Police Country Club – Wheatley – 1926: “George Crewe’s information is not accurate. I have seen the architect’s plans for this facility. A central feature is a…Feb 8, 14:08
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  • Mister Man on Sprawltastic: “Well, the house on Unicorn Avenue is still up for sale, so the market hasn’t really spoken, has it?Nov 7, 09:49


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