Lost WindsorOld Newspaper StoriesOld PhotographsWindsor

J.L. Hudson's Summer Cottage

From the Evening Record, July, 1912: Photo of the French homestead up the river front above Walkerville, which was purchased by the late J.L. Hudson and is being renovated and repaired to carry out Mr. Hudson’s plans for providing a summer cottage for the accommodation of the women clerks in the Hudson store in Detroit. I believe this house was knocked down in the early 1920’s and in…
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Old Newspaper StoriesRenderingsUnbuiltWindsor

Masonic Temple

This rendering above ran in the Evening Record July 27, 1912. The Masonic Temple was supposed to be built at the corner of Ouellette and University Ave., when the old Imperial Bank stands today. The Imperial Bank was built on the site in 1920. There were articles that made…
Old Newspaper StoriesOld PhotographsWindsor

Universal Car Building

Back in February, we paid a visit to the corner of Chatham & Ferry. Since that time, I’ve come across some supplemental information about the building. From the Evening Record: February, 1913: The new universal car building, at the corner of Ferry and Chatham…

St. Steven's Church - Oldcastle

From the Evening Record, January 13, 1913. The above is a perspective of the new Anglican church to be built at Oldcastel (sic) by Leybourne & Whitney, architects and engineers. It will be 80 feet long by 36 feet in width. The finish of the interior will be in oak and pine, with maple floors. The seats, altar lecterns, etc., will be especially designed for this church. The basement, which…
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Old PhotographsReader SubmissionWindsor

Yawkey Farms

This came from a reader named Ken. He received this photograph from his grandmother in 1995, and was wondering if anyone knew anything about the barn pictured here? Yawkey Farms was located (I believe) out towards the Brighton Beach/Ojibway area, and was so named due to the…
Old AdsWindsor

The Ryancrete Model Home

One day going through the microfilm, I came across this ad for the Ryancrete Model Home. I did a pass along Mathew Brady and found the house still standing at 415 Matthew Brady. The address listed in the ad as 205, was for the old numbering system of the Town of…