Lost WindsorOld PhotographsWindsor

545 Church

A few more from the archives… These photos were shot, July 2002. This big old place is sadly, no long with us. Located at the n.w. corner of Church and Vera, the home was last used as a rooming house. Despite some bad renovations, and exterior staircases, it was still a grand old home. Sadly a fire brought her down, I can’t remember if it was an accident from one of the tenants, or…
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Mercer and Wyandotte

This past weekend, I was going through some old photos and discussing this area of town with a friend. I had to run over to this very market, and I was saying how just a few years ago this building was vacant and unused. Now it’s almost always busy, and has returned a…
Old PhotographsWindsor

Morton Salt Co. Terminal Site - 1965

Friday once again… From the caption on the back of the photo: “Ojibway, Ont. Slip around which the Morton Salt Co. terminal is to be built. Freighters shown in storage some years back; no longer there.” The site in-between the boat and the trees was…
Old PhotographsPostcardsWindsor

Distillery Offices - Photo to Postcard

For those readers who, like me, are fans of the great photo website Shorpy, you may be interested in viewing the collection of the Detroit Publishing Company, which resides at the Library of Congress. The DPC collection is amazing, and mostly royalty free… You’ll see greedy sellers on eBay reselling prints of images that are available for free. The photo above of the distillery was…
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Walkerville Town Hall

Designed by Albert Kahn in 1904, the Town Hall and Post Office was originally located on Riverside Drive, opposite the Distillery. To the right is the end of the Flat Iron Building. The Town Hall and Flat Iron building were both scheduled for demolition in 1994. A dedicated…
Lost WindsorOld PhotographsWindsor

Metropolitan General Hosptial - 1968

Once again Friday is here! Today we have a new photo, but still a look back to Windsor’s Past. Today’s photo is date stamped August 13, 1968. It shows a nice, pre-renovation look at the original façade of Met Hospital. Built in 1926, the original hospital…
Old Newspaper StoriesWindsor

Grace Hospital Nurses' Residence

One of my favourite buildings on the Grace Hospital complex, is the Brett Building, at the corner of University & Oak. The photo above appeared in the Windsor Star – December 12, 1953: “The steel girders going into place for the new nurses’ residence at Grace Hospital are giving shape to the building which has been so long needed by the Salvation Army hospital. The…
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Old PhotographsWindsor

Ford Strike of 1945

Happy Friday once again, another weekend is here, and this weekend brings us the 2010 Windsor International Film Festival at the Capitol. There are some interesting films showing, including some from local directors, one of whom is an avid reader of this site. It’s…
Lost WindsorOld PhotographsPostcardsWindsor

Ford City - City Hall

Here’s a recent addition to the IM collection, this photo postcard of the Ford City, City Hall. Situated on the corner of Riverside and Drouillard, in a space last occupied by the parking lot to Our Lady of the Rosary. Over the peak of the roof, you can see the two…