NewsPhoto Du JourWindsor

Mid Century Fans...

I need your opinion. The building below built in 1957, by Windsor Architectural Firm Johnson & McWhinnie is threatened with demolition. If anything the death knell has been sounded. It is located on the Windsor Waterfront at the foot of Ouellette Ave. It is known as the Cleary Guest House, having been erected by Lawyer E.A. Cleary in 1957. E.A. Cleary was the son of Francis Cleary who served…
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Old PhotographsPhoto Du JourWindsor

Victory Housing

Today’s Photo Du Jour covers Victory homes. In Canada theses homes were built and owned by Wartime Housing Ltd. The crown corporation bought materials and land and followed through with orders for homes across the country. Victory Homes came in two models: a two-room…
NewsPhoto Du JourWindsor

January 23, 2006 - Election Day

Well, one of these clowns have to win…. All my Canadian Brothers and Sisters, today is election day, don’t forget to go out and vote! I’m praying for a Conservative Minority. I’m praying that the NDP carry Windsor once again. I’m praying that…
Photo Du JourWindsor

Photo Du Jour - January 13, 2006 - Medical Arts Building

Located on Ouellette Ave in Windsor across from Hotel-Dieu Hospital is the vacant Medical Arts Building. It was built in 1930, designed by architect J.R. Sculland. The building has been vacant for several years, ever since the language school on the main floor closed up shop. There is some interest growing for a condo conversion project. A full view of the building as it stands today A view from…
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Photo Du JourWindsor

Photo Du Jour - December 12, 2005 - On The Campaign Trail

Friday was pretty busy in Windsor with the Canadian Winter Election in full swing. Two of the Three major party leaders were in Windsor Campaigning. Prime Minister Paul Martin of the Liberal Party was in town as was Jack Layton of the N.D.P. party. First in town was Paul Martin. Martin in flying around in this first class luxury Boeing 727. During the summer months, this plane is leased by the…
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Photo Du JourWindsor

Photo Du Jour - December 2, 2005 - Mural Unveiling

Yesterday Morning saw the final mural in the “Postcards From Home” mural project unveiled in Downtown Windsor. The mural is on the South Wall of the Windsor Star Building. Star Columnist Karen Hall is seen in the foreground with the blond hair. She served as…