Photo Du JourWindsor

Photo Du Jour – December 12, 2005 – On The Campaign Trail

Friday was pretty busy in Windsor with the Canadian Winter Election in full swing. Two of the Three major party leaders were in Windsor Campaigning. Prime Minister Paul Martin of the Liberal Party was in town as was Jack Layton of the N.D.P. party.

First in town was Paul Martin.

Martin in flying around in this first class luxury Boeing 727. During the summer months, this plane is leased by the Toronto Blue Jays baseball team.

With the Prime Minister in town also comes a large contingent of Secret Service type RCMP officers. Note the over abundance of Black Grand Marquis’.

After a quick visit to a controlled Photo Op at the Daimler Chrysler Plant, the PM hustled out of town to get to Montreal for another photo op. with Bill Clinton. No public events for this quick visit, media only.

Next to arrive, just after Martin’s departure was Jack Layton of the NDP. Here Layton is seen descending the steps of his Aircraft.

The NDP’s Airbus 319, kind of spartan compared to the bigger 727.

Later that night Layton held a public rally at a local CAW Union Hall.

The crowd and media are assembled for the speach.

Layton makes his way to the podium, greeting people and shaking hands.

On stage with the two Local NDP Members of Parliament Brian Masse & Joe Comartin. Along with the two incumbents are the other local candidates.

Layton delivers his speach to the enthusiastic crowd assembled.

Conservative Steven Harper has yet to make an appearance, and Paul Martin has vowed to return to Windsor. More as the campaign heats up…

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