Apartment BuildingsPhoto Du JourWindsor

Ambassador Apartments

Built in 1928 on Ouellette Ave. in Windsor, this well kept building was built by local deveolper Clinton Laidlaw. Something tells me, the name of the building was used to tie into the Bridge fever that must have been sweeping the region as the Ambassador Bridge was nearing completion. The leaded glass over the front door has the building name inset. An ad from the Windsor Star from December 27…
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Photo Du JourWindsor

RIP Chappell House

With great sadness, I opened the paper yesterday morning to read the news that one of Windsor’s last remaining prohibition era roadhouses has suffered a devistating fire over the weekend. Currently operating as the President’s Club “Adult…
Photo Du JourWindsor


On the North West coner of Gilles and Ouellette is the Mid-Century Firestone Garage. “irestone”, not sure when the “F” vanished, it wasn’t that long ago. The soaring roofline of this building is unique in the City of Windsor. The rear garage…
Photo Du JourWindsor

Bridge To Nowhere

So a few years ago Windsor City Council decided that the city was being choked by the lack of road crossings over Little River. There are only two main crossings – Riverside Dr. and Tecumseh Rd. Tecumseh was designed to handle the high volumes of traffic, but…
Photo Du JourWindsor

A Stroll Though The Ghettohood

Here are a few various photos I took the other day on a stroll I took from my house to the River and Back. Through the neighborhood just east of the Casino. A sample of some of the fine housing stock. A bankrupt, vacant former Nursing Home. Vacant, overgown lots &#038…
Photo Du JourWindsor

The Ultimate Sacrifice

This past Friday May 5th, Senior Constable John Atkinson, 37, a 15-year veteran of the Windsor Police, became the first member in the force’s 120 year history to be shot and killed. From the Officer Down Memorial Page: Constable John Atkinson Windsor Police…