
This could be interesting...

If you’ve got no plans tomorrow morning, this could be interesting to go see… MARCH 26, 2007 – 09:22 ET WHISTLEBLOWER’S EVIDENCE ON AGENDA AT HISTORIC FARM TRIBUNAL TUESDAY Manager’s evidence supports charges longtime Canadian workers at Ontario factory farm operation were fired for union activities and replaced by temporary workers from Asia Attention…
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Photo Du JourWindsor

Foundry Time

On a rainy Sunday morning, where better to be than sightseeing with my friend Lowell Boileau. One of our first stops was to see the massive behemoth known officially as the Windsor Casting Plant, but known to most simply as the foundry. Scheduled to be closed as part of…
Photo Du JourWindsor

No Frills

The Planning Advisory Committee yesterday approved Loblaws application to build a No Frills brand grocery store on the N.E. corner of Wyandotte St W. & Crawford. Most of the houses that will be demolished have already been purchased by Loblaws. Here are the ones that…
Photo Du JourWindsor

Property Standards?

You know going back a few years you never really saw this in the city. It seems over the last little while the city has really stepped back from enforcing property standards. Garbage strewn lawns, broken windows and missing doors. The photo above was taken in the newest…
Photo Du JourWindsor

Casino Expansion Update

Work continues at the Casino Expansion site. The tower is growing at the rate of about a floor a week now… The trademark white panels and blue glass are starting to go in on the lower levels Along McDougall, the skybridge that will link the two complexes together has…
Photo Du JourWindsor

Old CAA... All Gone!

So I drove by the other day for an update shot, and found the building gone, save for the basement. Just like in the previous visits – February 15th, and March 2, I tried to take shots from the same two vantage points. It sure looks funny to see that lot…
Photo Du JourWindsor

New Bus Terminal - Part III

A panoramic shot of the new Bus Terminal. They sure have come a long way over the last 5 months. Click here for my visit in October. Click here for my visit in December. The bus bays behind the new terminal. The new main terminal. Some real dumb Urban planning took…