Photo Du JourWindsor

Park Surprise

It’s not very often that a building nerd like myself can stumble across something new in this City, but a bike ride Saturday afternoon led to my discovery of this great architectural treasure. Tucked in a back corner of Memorial park, and well vandalized, I spied this great restroom building. I don’t really know anything about the building other than it appears to have some prairie…
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Natalie Mayville

Just a little something to take you through the weekend. Check out some of the artwork created by talented Windsor Artist Natalie Mayville. She usues a unique mix of media. Starting with wood, layered with plaster, paper, latex and oil paints and various other mediums. She…
Photo Du JourWindsor

Landmark Smoke Stacks

I know by this point this is old news… I shot this picture this past weekend, as the old Paint Shop smoke stack removal was taking place. I was trying to find a photo I had of the stacks in all their glory, it just took longer than expected to find it… Here are…
Old PhotographsPhoto Du JourPostcardsWindsor

Devonshire Racetrack

A recent question from a reader brought up the subject of Devonshire Racetrack. As Windsor tries to shed its “sin city” moniker, a look back at our history shows we’ve always been the playground for what the Americans can’t have. There was a time…
Photo Du JourWindsor

Casino Expansion Update

It’s been a while so today we check in again, down at the Casino Expansion site. The tower is rapidly rising again now that the labour strike has ended. You can see how the old and new sections are tying in together over McDougall Ave., which incidentally will be permanently closed from Chatham to Pitt. The RenCen in Detroit looms over the project as it is viewed from City Hall…
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Photo Du JourWindsor

St. Geroge's Anglican Church

As most of my regular readers know, I have an upcoming photo exhibition at the Art Gallery of Windsor (Aug. 25 – Oct. 28/07) highlighting Modern Architecture in Windsor. I was out shooting the other day when I came across St. George’s in Walkerville. Located on…