Photo Du JourWindsor

Bye-Bye Cat House

Not sure if you remember last year there was an article about a house that had been abandoned, and was full of cats? The Humane Society came in and removed a double digit number of cats. The house at 1040 Windermere Rd. has been empty ever since and was eventually condemned. The Building Eater is in the back yard ready to go to work. Looks like they are trying to do some salvage before…
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Photo Du JourWindsor

839 Assumption

The four pictures in today’s post to me sum up everything that’s wrong with this city. When I see moronic renovations like this it makes me think there is no hope. One of my readers sent me an email this spring, saying the house at 839 Assumption was up for…
Photo Du JourWindsor

801 & 819 Ouellette

Recently news came out that the two properties at 801 and 819 Ouellette were sold, and are being prepared for demolition. I went out and shot them the other day, the buildings are probably best remeberd as Joker’s Bar and Mother’s Pizza. I figured the…
Photo Du JourWindsor

Oakland Centre

Last November the Windsor Star ran an article about a new office building that was going to be built on the former Central Chrysler parking lot at Elliot and Goyeau. There were large signs with renderings up on the property. The sign already claimed “OPENING AUGUST 2006”. Three months before the article ran in the Star. This was the article that ran: Offices slated for site in…
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Photo Du JourWindsor

Opening Night

Shortly before the doors were open, I popped in the gallery to take a last look over everything. Everything was set and ready to go. Then about 5 minutes before, I learnt at the last minute that I was supposed to lead a tour of the exhibition… Heh. If you were there…

Now Available...

If you notice over on the navigation bar on the left, there is a new link for the bookstore/shop. I am happy to announce that the first project is now availabe for sale. I have published it in a manner to attempt to keep the cost as low as…
NewsPhoto Du JourWindsor


Don’t forget tonight from 7:00 – 10:00 pm at the Art Gallery of Windsor: I hope to meet some of you down there tonight. I’ll be in the gallery, drop by and introduce yourself as a reader… There are a few other interesting exhibitions opening that night as well. Be sure to visit Chris Edwards’ (from the Walkerville Times) exhibit: Manufacturing Architecture- Albert…
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Photo Du JourWindsor

Top Hat - Part II

Monday night’s council meeting paved the way for the redevelopment of the historic Top Hat site. While one of downtown’s legendary landmarks will meet the wrecking ball, Mr. Sam Drakich was kind enough to give me a tour of the building, and to capture a few last…