Photo Du JourPostcardsWindsor

First Baptist Church

February kicks of Black Heritage month across Canada and the United States, and today I thought we would take a look at one of the oldest church parishes in the City of Windsor. This postcard view from about 1918 shows the First Baptist Church incorrectly labeled as being on Windsor Avenue. The church is located at 710 Mercer Ave. in downtown Windsor. It was built in 1915, to replace an earlier…
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Photo Du JourWindsor

Out With The Old... In With The New...

All of today’s photos come from reader submissions… The first set is from Luc, who sent along a few progress photos of the new Walker Road underpass. Work is progressing nicely. Maybe someone who understands the project (I’m looking at our local…
Photo Du JourPostcardsWindsor

Paramount Cafeteria

Scouring through my old postcards, I came across this old rarely seen view of the Paramount Cafeteria. The back denotes the cafeteria to be in the basement of the Paramount Building. The room still exists, and unbelievely has really only seen minor renovations over the…
Photo Du JourPostcardsWindsor

St. Edmond

A pair of old downtown area postcards for today. First up is St. Edmond School. It was located on Tuscarora Ave. just east of Marentette, behind what was then Immaculate Conception Church, in fact, you can catch a glimpse of the church on the left side fo the card. I’m not sure when the school closed, when I first moved to Windsor in 1989, I seem to remember some new kids in school that…
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Photo Du JourWindsor

Walker and Wyandotte

I recently paid a visit to the newly leveled Wyandotte St. section just east of Walker Rd. Then Now It sure looks funny to see that underpass gone. However as you can see by the two photos above, your tax dollars are hard at work, and nothing but the highest quality…
Old PhotographsPhoto Du JourWindsor


Or at least as it looked, pre-Chanoso’s. Over at the excelent Windsor Blog, Scale Down, Windsor… the other day I was giving Mark Boscariol a hard time over his choice of stucco to reface the buildings that house Chanoso’s and the Sushi Place next door (the…
Old AdsPhoto Du JourWindsor

1404 Tecumseh Road East

This building at Tecumseh Rd and Moy, has a long history as a restaurant, as I recently discovered. As I was looking through an old booklet from 1954, I came across this ad for the Bel-Air Restaurant… Someone along the way bricked in every other window along the side, but it’s still a restaurant. According to some of the long time business owners along that stretch of Tecumseh, the…
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Old PhotographsPhoto Du JourWindsor

David Maxwell School

Located on Francois, between Seminole and Tecumseh Roads, David Maxwell was built in 1928, in what was then known as East Windsor. Ford City was renamed East Windsor when Chrysler Moved in to their new plant at Tecumseh & Walker. The School was designed by the Windsor…
Photo Du JourPostcardsWindsor

Old Sandwich Schools

Here are a pair of century old postcards (c. 1909) of two schools in Sandwich. The Sandwich Public School, and St. Francis. St. Francis School, built in 1901, was located on the corner of Peter & Detroit. The site today is a parking lot. The Sandwich Public School was…