Photo Du JourWindsor

It's The Little Things...

That make all the difference. I was recently passing through Goderich, on my way home from the Bruce Peninsula, when my wife and I decided to pull over downtown at the “square” and eat our picnic lunch. I noticed all around the square, these beautiful wrought iron planters, and it made me wonder why Windsor couldn’t do better. University Ave. in front of City Hall is a…
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Photo Du JourWindsor


Congratulations to Priscilla Lopes-Schliep who yesterday won a Bronze medal for Canada in the Women’s 100 m hurdles. Our first track medal at the Olympics since 1996. At the Olympic Trials in Windsor this past July, of all the athletes competing, Priscilla…
Old PhotographsPhoto Du JourPostcardsWindsor

Manning House

There was a big discussion on an old post the other day about the fate of the remains of the Manning House. The Heritage Committee (of which I am a part) voted to not take any action in moving to designate the remaining section when faced with a request for demolition. The…
NewsPhoto Du JourWindsor

Sulby "Saul" Pazner - 1923 - 2008

**Warning – Long Post Alert** In the Windsor Star on Wednesday, the following obituary ran for Sulby “Saul” Panzer: OBIT: ‘Old school’ businessman ran scrap yard Melissa Dunne, The Windsor Star Published: Wednesday, August 13, 2008 Sulby Pazner was a rare breed of businessman: he did not have any fancy letters after his name, his word was as good as any legal…
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NewsOld PhotographsPhoto Du JourWindsor

A call for help...

I got this email a while back from a former resident who is trying to track down his family history, maybe one of the readers out there will be able to help him: Grade 5 – Prince of Wales My name is David Hansen, and I am a Windsor native now living in the Vancouver…
Old AdsPhoto Du JourWindsor

Rossini Court Parkways

Driving out along Tecumseh Road East, at Rossini, you may have noticed them before, or you may not have. At the entrance to this planned community, stands large brick “gates”. This ad ran in the Border Cities Star, March 3, 1923: Make sure you “look for…
Old AdsPhoto Du JourWindsor

St. Rose Development

Continuing along with the look at old Subdivision, we head out to Riverside today. From the Border Cities Star – June 14, 1924: Another ad that ran on June 12, 1924, featured these photos: Sadly, a drive out there didn’t unveil any houses to me that looked to be from the mid 1920’s. Other than the Chruch, and the school that is long gone, it doesn’t appear that too…
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Old AdsPhoto Du JourWindsor

McLaughlin Park

For the next few days, we’re going to take a look at some of Windsor’s sub-division history. Up first, is this ad that ran in the Border Cities Star September 24, 1920. Being beside the land that was designated as the General Motors Corporation Subdivision, some…
Old AdsPhoto Du JourWindsor

Downtown Motor Sales

It’s always fun to find out about a buildings past… I stumbled across this ad for Downtown Motor Sales, a Studebaker-Packard dealership from August 1956. It was probably the wrong time to open a new dealership, and this was likely one of the last…