Old PhotographsWindsor

Albert F. Healy

On Friday we discussed the Healy-Page-Chappus Real Estate Company, and the principals. It turns out that Albert F. Healy was also a lawyer, with the firm of Davis and Healy. It also turns out after seeing the caption in the photo above from the Border Cities Star he was a politician too: Residence of Mr. A. F. Healy, M.P. & Mrs. Healy Detroit Street He served one term in Parliament as the…
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Northern Electric Co.

Another building I’ve always found interesting is this one located on the south side of Wyandotte St. between Caron and Janette. According to the 1937 Fire Insurance Map it was home to the Northern Electric Co. The 1923 Directory lists the Northern Electric Co. as…
Old PhotographsWindsor

Lufkin Rule

This entry comes at the suggestion of regular reader Gabe. He asked about this building located on Caron Avenue just south of Wyandotte St. For many years this building was home to Canadian Linen. But for the last few years, it appears to have been vacant and is currently up for sale. It is listed at $379k. According to the City of Windsor heritage inventory, the date of construction is listed…
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330 California

Today’s entry comes as a suggestion from long time reader Barbara, who told me that she often drives down University on her way to work, and has always noticed these two older houses on California, just south of University. The one on the east side of the road has…

Return to Riverside & Ouellette

Last Thursday, we visited the corner of Riverside and Ouellette in 1920… I recently came across this photo from 1913, showing the same corner and the Bank of Commerce that was on site before Albert Kahn’s building featured on Thursday. I’m not sure when…

Weekend Roundup

Congratulations to Phog Lounge in downtown Windsor. The winner of CBC Radio 3’s online poll as the Best Live Music Venue in Canada. First we crushed the competition with our local blogs, now our best live music venue has slayed the competition as well. Congratulations Tom and Frank. The wraps are off the pig! Yes, we’ve got more stucco downtown… Look at that fine detailing…
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Riverside & Ouellette

A view from 1920 of the busy corner of Sandwich and Ouellette. The building on the south east corner of Riverside and Ouellette was a branch of the Bank of Commerce. It was designed by Detroit architect Albert Kahn, who also designed the Bank of Commerce in Walkerville…
Old PhotographsWindsor

Crawford House

The Crawford House Hotel, was located on the north east corner of Sandwich Street (now Riverside Drive) and Ferry. It was founded in the 1860’s or 1870’s by Alexander Crawford, the namesake of Crawford Avenue. This photo taken in 1920, must have been towards the…