
How Protected Is Your Neighbourhood?

As we head into the weekend, here’s a little food for thought… Ever look at the fire hydrants in your neighbourhood? A few years ago, in Ontario, Fire Hydrants started being colour coded. But do you know what the coding means? Blue – flow greater than 95 litres/second Green – flow of 63 to 95 L/s Orange – flow of 31 to 63 L/s Red – flow less than 31 L/s So…
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Lost WindsorOld PhotographsWindsor

Windsor and Chatham

From the collection of the Windsor Municipal Archives Today’s photo comes from the collection of the Windsor Municipal Archives. It shows the corner of Windsor & Chatham (looking east along Chatham) in the what I’m guessing to be the late 1940’s. Along…
Reader SubmissionWindsor

Streetcar Ghosts

These photos come courtesy of regular reader Urbanrat, who in his travels stumbled across unearthed streetcar tracks in Ouelllette Aveune. As you know the next round of streetscaping is underway along Ouellette, and apparently some old rail infrastructure reappeared after…

The Windsor Travelodge

From the holdings of the Windsor Municipal Archives – Johnson-McWhinnie Collection The other day I was down at the Municipal Archives, when I stumbled across these plans drawn up by Johnson-McWhinnie for a hotel project that never happened. From the holdings of the Windsor Municipal Archives – Johnson-McWhinnie Collection Check out the old 1964 era Travelodge logo… The plans…
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Jane's Walk

A beautiful day Saturday morning was perfect for Walkerville’s Jane’s Walk. Mita Williams, was a perfect host, and while Chris Holt and myself helped with the brainstorming, and spreading the word, really this event was Mita’s idea, and her drive is the…

Jane's Walk - Tomorrow

I know it’s late notice, but tomorrow morning, myself along with Mita Williams and Chris Holt are putting on a Jane’s Walk in Walkerville, and you’re invited! What Is Jane’s Walk? Jane’s Walk is a series of free neighbourhood walking tours that…

The Deluxe Apartments

Seriously. That’s the name they show up under on the 1937 Fire Insurance Map. Two stores on the ground floor with apartments above. I suspect quite a while back, these apartments ceased to be “deluxe”. Located on the corner of Monmouth & Ontario, I recently noticed the other day, that the building is now boarded up, and all but one gas meter has been removed. It’s…
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Arsonist At Large

Right next door to the two houses that went up on April 11th, is this old building was built in 1890, and is likely destined for the dumpster. It was torched on Tuesday night. For coverage of the fire, but sure to visit Windsor Visuals. Old elements, like the cast iron (?)…