Lost WindsorOld PhotographsReader SubmissionWindsor

St. Mary's Demolition - 1977

Today’s entry comes sent in from regular reader Steve L. He found these photos at his Grandmother’s house, and shared them with me to share with all of you: Interesting to note, model homes already popping up in front prior to the implosion. Going… …going… …gone… A shot from the front during the implosion. Steve told me they were in an envelope marked…
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Reader SubmissionStuccoWindsor

More Stucco

Back in March, you may recall, I covered the history of the Janisse Brothers Funeral Home, that was orignally the Leo Page house. Well guess what? Photo courtesy JS STUCCO TIME! Big thanks to all who emailed and told me about the “update” to the building, and…

Red Bull 2009

For the second straight year, a great event for Windsor, I can’t remember the last time I saw downtown as packed as it was Saturday and Sunday. Overall a great event for the city, putting us on a world class stage with world class racing. Love it or hate it, the Red…

Happy Birthday

To International Metropolis… Six years ago, on June 12, 2003 International Metropolis was launched. I found the image above, so don’t ask why there’s seven candles on the cake that says six… 🙂 A few stats on the site: 970 Posts 7,725 Comments Approx. 4,500 images posted In 2008, IM.com had 415,406 Visitors & 1,178,363 Total Pageviews. Thank you to everyone who…
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Old PhotographsWindsor

West From The Ouellette Overpass - 1986

Here’s one today for the railfans. A recent eBay find, from 1986. This shot was taken from the Ouellette Avenue overpass looking west. Thanks to John Stefani for putting his slide scanner to work on this one. The interesting thing to me is where Leone’s Music…

Art In The Park 2009

A weekend with minimal rain! Art In The Park, 2009 edition went off without a hitch this past weekend. I was there Sunday afternoon and looked like a good turnout. As usual, an interesting assortment of wares for sale. The north east corner of the park was, however…
Old AdsWindsor

Auto Specialties Mfg. Co.

Located on Tecumseh Rd. just east of Howard Ave. this massive plant is another part of Windsor’s long gone industrial might, replaced by the Medical Building, that runs from Hanna to Tecumseh Road. A quick check on the Google, shows the company is still around today, in Benton Harbor, MI. The ad above dates to the early 1960’s. Does anyone out there remember the company or have any…
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Old PhotographsWindsor

Wyandotte & Lincoln - 1964

Today is a shot looking east along Wyandotte from just beyond Lincoln Road. Interestingly enough, unlike most of the city, not too much has changed in the last 45 years. The Kaplan’s Furniture sign on the south side of the street was only removed in the last five or…

The Cross Canada Project - Tonight!

Tonight at Phog, at 9:00 pm, Mike Beauchamp’s (who’s currently in New Zealand) self produced film “The Cross Canada Project” will be screened. Trailer below: Mike describes it as: “The Cross Canada Project” attempts to document the…