
Art In The Park 2009

A weekend with minimal rain! Art In The Park, 2009 edition went off without a hitch this past weekend. I was there Sunday afternoon and looked like a good turnout.

As usual, an interesting assortment of wares for sale.

The north east corner of the park was, however, noticeably empty. The economy certainly took its toll on the number of vendors this year. Usually the entire perimeter of the park is filled with booths. Not this year.

A nice touch this year, was the wine tent/bandshell. In the photo above Sunday afternoon headliners The Bomb Squad are shown playing. Hopefully the bandshell makes a return visit in 2010.


Also – Please note, with today’s post I’m going to move to a Summer Posting schedule (at least for the next little bit). Instead of finding a post here Monday through Friday, I’ll now be posting Monday, Wednesday & Friday.

Thanks for the understanding.

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