Old Newspaper StoriesOld PhotographsWindsor

Walkerville Market Demolition

Here’s one that I found interesting. From the Border Cities Star, December 31, 1927: Wreckage of Walkerville’s ancient market building is shown above. The old building at the corner of Huron street (Richmond today) and Walker road, was demolished a few weeks ago to provide a site for the town’s new fire hall, which is under construction and will likely be available for…
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Old Sprawlmart/Woolco

Oddly, the demolition seems to be done at Lauzon & Tecumseh. Cynical me, figured it was destined to be a parking lot for the WFCU Centre, but it appears to be some adaptive reuse going on… It looks like it has been taken back to create to larger retail spaces…

Much Better

As I look at the corner of Walker and Ottawa, I can’t help but be taken with how much better it looks now. So much better without that pesky historic bank. The bank was designed by Kenneth Rea in 1919. Rea was a Montreal based architect, who did most of his work in…

Another One Bites The Dust... [Updated]

Sad to say, that tonight I passed the intersection of Ouellette & Erie, and noticed a pile of rubble where this beauty once stood. The photo above was taken back in 2002, and the building was in much better shape. The photo above shows the house as it looked last week (on the 27th *edit* the 21st – two weeks ago). For some reason another one bites the dust, and more of out past is lost…
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Walkerville Demolition

This house, located on the east side of Monmouth, just north of the recently rehabbed Deluxe Apartments, which we looked at back in May. In fact, this photo of the house is a crop from that photo. Yesterday afternoon, this is what the house looked like. All gone. The house…

Methadone Clinic

A big uproar took place the other week, when a methadone clinic popped up in the former Bank of Montreal Building on University Avenue West. I thought the building was designed orignally by Johnson-McWhinnie, but I can’t find the date of construction on my list… I can however find a listing for an addition and alteration to the bank in 1968, by the firm. The photo above was taken just…
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TD Bank Update

I was downtown Friday, and Noticed work was still progressing on the new TD Bank… Not sure if the city strike delayed work, pending inspections, etc… but it seems to be slow going. When we last visited the site in June, this is what it looked like: In two…
Old PhotographsReader SubmissionWindsor

Reader Submission Friday

As we head into the weekend, today’s post is made up of a few reader submissions… First up from JT, is this shot taken behind the Bay at Devonshire Mall: He notes that this corner of the store has been partially hidden over the years by various expansions, and…