Lost WindsorOld Newspaper StoriesRenderingsWindsor

Osterhout Building - Pitt Street East - 1914

From the Evening Record – February, 1914: The first three-story building for the new business section on Pitt Street between Goyeau and Ouellette avenues, will be erected by Mr. Peter Osterhout. Plans have been prepared by Leybourne & Whitney, architects. Clay brick will be used in the construction. Looks like this one sat where the parking garage is today, or possibly the Dean…
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Lost WindsorRenderingsWindsor

Applebe Store - Pitt Street

The above cut is of the new front that is being put on the old building where the Erie Tobacco Company were formerly located and which by the first of October will be the entrance to one of the biggest dry goods stores in this section. Jos Applebe & Co., managed by Mr. E.R. Dunk, which fronts on Sandwich street, some time ago purchased this property and now have entirely overhauled and…
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Old Newspaper StoriesRenderingsUnbuiltWindsor

National Auto Body - 1912

From the Evening Record – May 4, 1912: MAMMOTH AUTO BODY PLANT LOCATES IN WINDSOR This building was designed by Gilbert Jaques & Co., architects of Windsor. The plan was for this building to be located on the Davis Farm subdivison, the article doesn’t say…

City Hall Rendering

Designed by the Windsor firm of Sheppard & Masson, the third and current Windsor City Hall was built in 1957. Threats have stated to surface that it may soon be replaced. Here today is an early architectural rendering of the proposed new City Hall. I’ll have to dig up more info on City Hall, so at least the history will be well documented before they decide to knock it down too. Happy…
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Old Newspaper StoriesRenderingsWindsor

Harry Guppy School

From the Border Cities Star, July 9, 1929 Above is a drawing of the Harry E. Guppy School which the Board of Education hopes to start erecting this fall in order to accommodate the increasing public school attendance in Windsor. The building, plans for which were drawn by…