From the Windsor Daily Star – April 27, 1955:
- This architect’s conception of the proposed new Windsor Jewish Community Centre shows a building of ultra-modern design. The building will be located between Ouellette and Pelissier near Jackson Park, if city council gives final approval to plans of the local Jewish Community Council. Homeowners in the vicinity of the proposed site will be petitioned to see weather they have any objections. City council’s public works committee last night approved the plan in principal but deferred its decision on the zoning amendments until neighbouring residents have had their say. Fund for the $300,000 structure were raised in a campaign last year. Community Centre representatives explained the building was attractive from all angles.
Does anyone remember if this was built? The Community Centre is on Ouellette, but looks more 1970’s. Was this built and demolished?
The original centre was built in the 50s and remains there nested within the expansion and tower which were built in the late ’70s. I grew up on Pelissier and remember there was at least a couple large stately homes facing Ouellette that were razed to make way for the new construction.
If you look at the Google streetview you will recognize the form of the original ’50s section.
This is the original building. It was renovated in the 80’a by a local
Architect. …. Greg McLean….. U can see his work ( very distinct)
In other buildings around the city. Clearwater vet on walker road… Architects offices
On Wyandotte. An old bar ( can remember the name)
On tecumseh road east.
That is the Jewish Centre. It was Reno’d in the
80’s by local architect Greg McLean. He had a
Very distinct style. You can see it in other
Buildings around the city…. Clearwater vet on
Walker road…. A bar ( can’t remember the name)
On tecumseh r east and his offices on Wyandotte…
In walkerville. I think he has some work here in TO. Too
…. Real estate building on Don Mills road looks very
Similar in design.
Nice building! Too bad it was remuddled in the expansion when they built the wings and tower. Architects need to to incorporate original designs when expanding an existing building or lose their license.