Lost WindsorOld PhotographsWindsor

London Street Car Barns

Happy April Fool’s Day! To celebrate we’ll carry on the railroad photos for one last Friday (but don’t get too excited, this is the last one in the set I came across). While we’ve seen many photos on this site over the years of the old Car Barns, this is the first one I’ve seen that had a good view of the old Cameron Ave. School, which was eventually replaced with…
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Essex CountyOld Photographs

Amhersburg Tool House

This photo is a bit of mystery. I’ve asked around amongst those who know far more about both the county and about train, and no one has any insight about this.(I didn’t check in with “Rob” a regular reader and rail expert, so hopefully he’ll…
Old PhotographsWindsor

Sandwich Street Bridge

Happy Railroad Friday everyone. Continuing, as promised the series of rail related photos, today is a 2-for-1 special. A pair of photos looking at the Sandwich Street Bridge over the CPR tracks. This photo is looking north towards the river. The building on the left is probably related to the old Windsor Salt Co., and a bit of the old CPR passenger station can been seen on the right. Here’s…
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Old PhotographsWindsor

London Street Bridge

Happy Friday again… This week’s old photo is again part of a recent acquisition of railroad infrastructure photos. There is no date on this one, but there a a few photos in the series with similar id numbers, and those date to January, 1921. At the time of this…
Old PhotographsWindsor

Peabody Bridge

For the month of March, the Friday old Photos will be Railroad related. So if you are a railfan, you’ll probably be looking forward to Friday. If you’re not… Today’s old photo is dated January 9, 1921, and is captioned Bridge over G.T.R. &#8211…
Old PhotographsReader SubmissionWindsor

Wyandotte & Devonshire

Today’s picture comes to us from the John Stefani collection. A view from about 1908, looking west along Wyandotte Street from the intersection with Devonshire. The building on the right is the Strathcona Building, designed by Albert Kahn and built in 1907. View Larger Map The Strathcona Building is still there, but the streetcar is long gone. Unlike most of Windsor’s older urban…
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Lost WindsorOld PhotographsWindsor

Bank of Commerce - Sandwich Branch

Happy Friday once again. Up today is this photo dated, November 29, 1938. The caption: “Branch of the Canadian Bank Of Commerce In Windsor” As soon as I saw the photo, I knew where it was taken. Sadly the location came down in 2003. It was located in the…
Old PhotographsWindsor

Imperial Bank - Walkerville

Happy Friday everyone! Another week gone, and we’re more than halfway through February too! Up today is one of my favourite photos that I’ve come across. Dated June 1, 1934, the caption on the back reads: “Bank at Walkerville Ontario across river from…