Happy Friday once again. Up today is this photo dated, November 29, 1938.
The caption:
- “Branch of the Canadian Bank Of Commerce In Windsor”
As soon as I saw the photo, I knew where it was taken. Sadly the location came down in 2003.
It was located in the Canadian Transit Company Building that was located on Huron Church Rd. The bank was located in the lower left.
Sadly, the bridge company took down this art deco beauty.
Today a beautiful retaining wall takes its place.
Have a good weekend everyone, see you back here Monday.
Complete utter dead space today.
The stairway on the left led to the bus terminal for the bridge.
How many businesses do you know of that are so lucrative that they have a bank branch built in?
In any other civilized country, Matty Maroun and his family would be rotting in a prison somewhere living on nothing but stale bread and water.