Old Newspaper StoriesOld PhotographsWindsor

Displaced By The 401 - 1956

From the Windsor Daily Star – August 30, 1956: DISPLACED BY 401 – Six houses are being moved to make way for an overpass for Highway 401. This is being moved along North Talbot Rd., between Howard Ave. and Walker Rd., to its new location, a trip of about a…
NewsOld PhotographsWindsor

2013 Calendar - Final Week

IT’s the final week of the 2013 International Metropolis Calendar pre-sale. This year’s calendar is priced at $21.50 + $7.00 s&h/HST, however for the duration of the pre-sale the calendars will be priced at $20.00 with a flat $2.00 per item for s&h/HST. Get in on the pre-sale and take advantage of savings that will come with first bulk order. Readers who live in Windsor and…
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NewsOld PhotographsWindsor

2013 IM Calendar - Presale

It’s that time of year once again…. Time for the annual pre-sale event and the unveiling of the 2013 International Metropolis Calendar. This year’s calendar is priced at $21.50 + $7.00 s&h/HST, however for the duration of the pre-sale the calendars…
Lost WindsorOld PhotographsWindsor

Kresge's - 1990

Happy Friday, and welcome to November… Today’s picture was taken April 17, 1990 The caption on the back reads: S.S. Kresge Co. is closing after 61 years in Windsor – 245 Ouellette and Chatham I’m at the age now, when I don’t think of 1990 being that long ago… and suddenly I realize it was 22 years ago. Share your stories Windsorites, who’s got fond…
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