Old PhotographsWindsor

Car Barn Designation Moving Forward

University Avenue West Card Barns c 1921

Hey there, sorry it’s been quiet over here at International Metropolis world headquarters. We’re actually in the middle of finalizing a forthcoming book that will be out later this fall, published by our friends at Biblioasis. That’s why we’ve been so quiet over here, but more to come on that later. Within the next two weeks things should get back to normal here and a more regular posting schedule back on track.

In happier preservation new, the old Car Barn complex on University Avenue West, is coming before the Development & Heritage Standing Committee tonight with a request for designation. The entire property has newer owners and a plan for a residential development on the property in between the Car Bans and Portofino condominiums to the north. If you’re curious to read the report, it can be found on page 112 at the following link: Agenda with report here. This is one of those building that has had some misinformation about it floating around on the internet, with people claiming it to be way older than it really is. The building was designed by Architect James G. McLean, and the following news of the car barns appeared in the Detroit Free Press on April 7, 1891:

Have a great week everyone, and we’ll see you back here soon, hopefully with some good news about this building being saved for future generations to enjoy.

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