Old PhotographsWindsor

Erie & McDougall – Christmas 1963

From a Season’s Greeting Ad from December 1963:

    The new main substation and control centre being built on Erie St. East is constructed on the original foundations of buildings erected in 1914 and 1922.

    So strong and sound are these foundations that our engineering consultants judged them more than adequate for the new building.

    So it is with Windsor Unities Commission. Built on the firm foundation of Power and Water at cost through public ownership, the Commission has achieved almost 50 years of steadily reducing costs and improving services.

    The Hydro rate adjustment of November 1st, 1963, brought the domestic rate in Windsor down to one of the lowest in the Province while water rates have always been very low in Windsor.

    We enter 1964 in sound financial condition with the physical plant of both the Hydro and Water Divisions in excellent shape, ready and able to serve the increasing needs of the people of Windsor.

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