Lost WindsorOld Newspaper StoriesWindsor

Windsor’s Strip – 1970

From the Windsor Star – June 13, 1970

    It’s not exactly the Vegas Strip or even Toronto’s Yonge St. strip – but it has the makings.

    The area is about four miles of Tecumseh Rd. between Walker Rd. and Lauzon Rd. It has the flashing neon signs, the hangouts, the straight open road ideal for dragsters and motorcyclists.

    It loses the authentic strip effect only because of its length which leaves the blinking, swirling, neon signs in isolated groups of three or four.

    But it’s at these points – restaurants, doughnut shops, take-out counters, car washes, drive-in restaurants – that gangs of you people converge. Some on foot, others in convertibles or roadsters and some on motorcycles.

    Many of the restaurants have uniformed, off-duty policemen on hand in case trouble breaks out. The police are hired through the police commission.

    Detectives patrol the area regularly and often drop in to a doughnut shop for a coffee, doughnut and friendly chat with the staff.

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