Old AdsRenderingsWindsor

916 Buckingham – The Hollywood Model Home

From the Windsor Daily Star, June 25, 1955:

This beautiful Hollywood Home is the direct result of many years of study and intense planning by a prominent California architect. The interior consists of 3 spacious bedrooms, huge 24-ft. living room with dining area, step saving kitchen with side door entrance leading to carport, studio ceilings throughout, custom made room-divider cabinet between kitchen and dining area, providing extra cupboard space; and ultra modern bathroom with colored (sic) fixtures that will last a lifetime.


$300 will reserve your lot with our Deposit-Savings Home-Purchase Plan. Monthly payments including principal and interest as low as $55.

The model home featured in the advertisement is still standing today at 916 Buckingham, and it looks like several different models did end up getting built on the block.

A neat cartoon shows all the sub contractors involved in the project. A few are still around today like Vet’s plumbing and Zuliani glass.

Hope everyone had a good weekend!

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