Back in June of 2009, we took a look at the former Duplate factory on Walker Road.
Above and below are two vintage photos of the factory from 1937, a year after the factory opened. A great pair of photographs, capturing the factory when that stretch of Walker road was the edge of town.
You see this often in art deco / modern architecture, quite abit of automotive inspiration.
The facade of this building almost looks like the front of a car.
This building looks familiar.Does anyone know if its still standing or torn down?
Absolutely stunning. Hopefully we can keep the feet of the UofW to the fire in keeping with the art moderne look of the Greyhound Bus Station. Its one of the last art deco/moderne buildings in Windsor.
I had an uncle that worked for the C&O railroad duplate was one of the plants that he switched boxcars of inbound glass
The building is still there, but substantially altered. Formerly Schukra (north of Tecumseh behind the car dealership). Office and Warehouse Space Available.
My Dad worked there for many years until it shut down and they were transferred to a small town called Hawkesbury, Ontario, where I believe 52 families from Duplate settled. When Dad retired, he moved back home to Windsor, where many of the retirees (and some of their children) came back to.