Old Newspaper StoriesRenderingsWindsor

New Children’s Wing at County Sanatorium

From the Border Cities Star – November 24, 1928:

This is an architect’s sketch of the new children’s wing, now going up for the Essex County Sanatorium, Sandwich, at a structural cost of $110,000.

When completely furnished and equipped, the handsome structure will represent a much heavier outlay of funds, and this is the reason why the various chapters of the Imperial Order, Daughters of the Empire, in the Border and county, will require extra receipts from the annual Christmas Seal campaign, that is to get under way next week.

Thus the worthy cause lying behind the efforts of the I.O.D.E. can be materially aided by generous returns on the part of the public for whose benefit the Sanatorium primarily exists.

“People have been so good to us in the past; we hope they’ll be even more so this year,” said Mrs. H. R. Casgratn, president of the Essex Health Association,
which operates the Sanatorium for the I.O.D.E.

Under a new system supplies of Christmas seals will be placed on sale in all parts of the county, by the use of a direct-by-mail campaign. This will involve the
despatching of envelopes to a large list of people, each envelope containing $1 worth of the stamps. The returns from this campaign are expected to be considerable.

In addition, the colored stamps which are useiul as Yuletide greetings, will be placed on sale by all of the I.0.D.E. chapters.

Mrs. L. A. Killen, a former chairman of the Windsor Board of Education, is listed as the first donor to the Christmas Seal fund. She has placed her real estate office in the Bartlet Building at the service of the I.O.D.E., as campaign headquarters.

Plans for the children’s wing were drawn up by Pennington and Boyde. with J. W. Leighton, as associate architect. The firm has offices in the Security Building.

Anyone have any memories of this place? It was at Western Hospital on Prince Road. I know they recently demolished some buildings at the hospital in the last few years. I always meant to get out there and photograph them, but I never did. Was this one of the buildings that was recently demolished? Help me out here west-siders.

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