Old Newspaper StoriesOld PhotographsWindsor

6425 Riverside Drive East

Hope everyone had a nice Christmas, today we head out to Riverside to pay a visit to the Senator McMillan house at 6425 Riverside Drive East.

From the 1908 edition of “The Detroiters“:

    McGRAW, William T.; born, Lavonia Township, Wayne Co.; Mich., May 12, 1860; son of Richard and Jane (Chapman) McGraw; educated in Plymouth, Mich., and Detroit Business University; married at Plymouth, Mich., June 15, 1897, Miss Harriette Fuller. Began active career in First National Bank, Plymouth, continuing for two years; removed to Detroit and became traveling salesman Globe Tobacco Co., later organizing the Detroit Tobacco Co., with which he is still connected; since 1906, vice president Mexican Crude Rubber Co.; director National Twist Drill Co., Globe Tobacco Co. State senator, 1898-1900. Republican. Mason, Knight Templar, Shriner. Clubs: Detroit, Country, Detroit Boat, Automobile. Recreations: Outdoor sports. Office: 612 Penobscot Bldg. Residence: 1477 Grand River Av.

The picture above ran in the Border Cities Star June 21, 1924

As you can see the house is very much as it was when built in 1915.

His obituary ran in the April 30, 1937 issue of the Windsor Daily Star.

    Late William T. McGraw
    Lived in Riverside
    For Many Years
    Was Industrialist
    Passes Away At Home
    Following Lengthy Illness

    William T. McGraw, former Michigan State Senator, and a resident of Riverside for almost a quarter of a century, died last night at his home, 1905 Riverside Drive, following a lengthy illness. He was in his 77th year.


    A member of the Michigan Legislature during the administration of the late Governor Hazen Pingree, Mr. McGraw was well known in both the Detroit and Windsor districts. He built his home on Riverside Drive 22 years ago. Although at first he only lived there in the summer, the past few years, Mr. McGraw had made his permanent home on this side of the river.

    A former member of the old Windsor Club and the Essex Golf and Country Club. Mr McGraw was a close friend of many of the older residents of the (illegible)

    In Detroit he was recognized as a prominent industrialist and real estate owner. He was head of the Security Account Register Company and a director of the National Twist Drill Company.

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