Old PhotographsWindsor

Essex County Court House

Happy Friday once again! Another weekend is upon us, and it’s time for another old photo. Up today is a great old photo dated November 8, 1920. This one showing The then Essex County Court House, better known today as Mackenzie Hal.

Mackenzie Hall was built in 1855 and was designed by Detroit architect Albert Jordan. It was built by the Mackenzie Brothers of Sarnia, one of whom, Alexander Mackenzie, when on to become Canada’s second prime minister. It served as a court house until 1962, when it became the County Headuarters. That ended sometime around 1979/1980 when the County Building was relocated to Highway 3 in Essex.

As usual there are great details in this photo. The photographer obviously was a novelty, and attracted a crowd of local boys…

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Surprisingly this is one of those scenes that hasn’t changed all that much in the last 90 years…

Have a safe weekend everyone, enjoy the Halloween parties and activities.


Also, don’t forget the pre-sale for the 2011 IM.com calendar

Click the cover above ^^^ or on the icon on the sidebar —->; to go to the store to purchase your copy via paypal visa/master card etc… No account nessecary.

If you would rather pay by cash/cheque, email me for instructions on how to pay by an alternate method.

Pre-sale orders close next weekend. This is your last week to get in on the discount.

Don’t miss out on this chance for a great and unique gift for someone who’s a history fan or as an early Christmas present for yourself!


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