Old Newspaper StoriesWindsor

Outdoor Phone Booths For Windsor

Something that I, and most readers will, remember being everywhere while growing up, but with the rise of the mobile phone, is likely to all but disappear over the next little while… I have to say I found it surprising that they are as you as this, I would have expected them to have been around much longer than 65 years…

From the Windsor Daily Star – November 14, 1946

    Little Gwendolyn Rousseau, three-year-old daughter of Mr.
    and Mrs. Clarence Rousseau, 3324 Baby street, wonders if it is a
    doll’s house they’ve put up near her home. But it isn’t. It is
    one of the new public telephone booths the (sic) Bell is putting out-
    doors at various locations, this one being at Mill and Peter streets.
    Of course, the boys who were overseas will call them
    kiosks as they do in England.


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