Demolitiongoing, going, gone...Lost WindsorWindsor

Recent Demolitions

Given the pace of work going on around town… It’s hard to keep up!

Here’s some things that have all come down in the last couple of weeks. Since I missed getting to them with a camera before they were wiped away, all the images come from Google Streetview.

Walker/E.C. Row Expressway

The other day I was coming home from work, and took Walker for a change. When I got to the bottom of the ramp, I noticed that the entire towing yard & buildings were gone. Cleared to the ground.

The View from Walker.

Another view from Walker.

The view from the off ramp at Walker.

Huron Church/Industrial Drive

The old Hallmark Tool building started coming down last week for DRIC.

Demolitions along here should be heating up soon…

Windsor Waterfront (Riverside & McDougall)

The old Blue Entrance to the Northern Belle Riverboat Casino bit the dust last week. This one I swear I had a picture of, but couldn’t find it, so again Streetview to the rescue 🙂

This one is no loss… Soon to be replaced by the new riverfront stage.

Hope everyone had a good weekend….


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