going, going, gone...Windsor

St. Anthony Of Padua

Today we scoot down to the corner of Parent and Shepherd, to St. Anthony of Pauda Hungarian Catholic Church.

The cornerstone of the church dates to 1931, and features, Latin, English and Hungarian.

Sadly this piece of Windsor’s ethnic past, isn’t long for this world…

The building underwent an engineering evaluation on November 30, 2009, and an emergency report was filed from the engineers on December 1, 2009…

The report read as follows:

    December 1, 2009

    Dear Sir:


    Further to your request, we attended the Church on November 30, 2009 to undertake a cursory structural
    review. It is our understanding that this request originated from concern for structural integrity based on
    the notable sagging and distortions in the roof plane and distress and cracking in the brick masonry walls.

    Our complete report will follow under separate cover. However, we would note that our examinations indicate
    that the source of the significant cracking of the masonry, the tilting outward of the side walls and the
    sagging of the roof (with the associated leaning of the cupola) is overstressed roof mainhames supporting
    the roof purlins which in turn support the roof rafters.

    In all cases, the mainframes are bent in the order of 4 inches. In one case, the mainframe nearest the
    cupola has rotated out of plane and the purlin brackets are bent and failing. In one case, the mainframe
    has failed in 2 locations with pulling through of the purlin bracket and fracturing of the top chord of the

    In short, we would indicate that two mainframes have failed and are no longer capable of assuming any further load.
    In all other cases, the frames have bent beyond serviceable limits and we would assess that these frames are
    no longer viable to support the loads to which the roof may be subjected.

    It is our opinion that the structural integrity has been significantly reduced in general and failure
    has occurred in 2 locations. A significant danger to public safety exists both from occupancy and
    catastrophic collapse which might affect persons in general proximity on the exterior.

    Except for shoring of the roof structure on the interior through to the basement which will prevent useful
    occupancy, we see no economical or “quick” fix with local reinforcings.

    In the meantime, should you require fuither discussion in the above regard, please do not hesitate to
    contact our office.

Following this report, the church was immediately closed, and the parishioners moved to another church.

It’s kind of hard to see here, but the cupola is leaning back towards the church roof ever so slightly…

The building is listed on the Heritage Register, giving a 60 day freeze on demolition permits. On May 18, 2010 a request was made for a demolition permit. The request came before the Windsor Heritage Committee on June 9, 2010. At that meeting it was decided to take no action to designate the property.

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So expect to see the bulldozers on site about July 16, 2010 as the 60 day period expires.


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