Old PhotographsWindsor

Ukrainian Restaurant

While John may have beat me to the punch the other day, posting about this place on My Local Food Blog, I’m still going to post about it today. šŸ˜‰

The photo above ran in the Detroit News, in January, 1972 along with a review of the place.

My wife and I were introduced to it a couple of years back, by our friends Dave and Linda who suggested it as a place to go for dinner. The place is located at 1148 Marion, in the middle of a residential block, and if you didn’t know it was there, you’d be forgiven for overlooking it.

According to the current owner, who’s been running the show for the last 42 years, the Ukrainian Restaurant opened its doors in 1931. While much of the decor looks to be from about when the last ownership change took place, certain things like the bar stools at the “lunch counter” and the light fixtures, harken back to the 1930’s.

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The place is small, and like the sign on the street light proclaims “Open 7 A Week”. Certainly among the last of a dying breed in the city. Get in and check it out before it’s gone. The owner Anna, suggested anyone interested should call ahead to make sure she’s open, as most nights it’s a one woman show. 519-253-3981. Make sure you bring cash if you plan on visiting, no debit and no credit accepted. Dinner is good, and can best be described as going to eat at your Eastern European Grandmother’s House.

A true overlooked gem in the city, and by my estimation Windsor’s oldest continually running restaurant. A little bit of local history well worth visiting.

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Recent Comments:

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