Old AdsOld Newspaper StoriesOld PhotographsWindsor

180 Cabana Road West

Here’s one I’ve been meaning to post for a while. This out of place late 1920’s Tudor revival house sits on Cabana just east of Dougall.

Surrounded by strip malls and 1960’s era homes, it’s always stood out to me, like a fish out of water. Note the circular drive.

But, when the house was built, it was a showplace of the anticipated South Windsor boom of the late 1920’s. The real estate guys were right, South Windsor would boom, however, it wasn’t in 1928, but more like 1958. Those poor developers were about 30 years ahead of their time… Note how big the tree in the foreground is compared to below….

From the Border Cities Star – Saturday June 9, 1928:



21 Shade Trees Dot Picturesque Site Of Dwelling


Every Modern Convenience Of Equipment and Design Included


Occupying one of the most picturesque and beautiful and picturesque sites in the Border Cities at the northeast corner of Dougall avenue and Cabana Road, in Southlawn Gardens, South Windsor, the new $25,000 home of Mr. & Mrs. N.J. Taylor, into which they intend to move Monday, is an inspiration in home beauty.

… Entrance to the home is provided from Cabana Road by means of an artistic red cement circular drive traversing a ground area rendered at once inviting and attractive by reason of the many beautiful trees bordering the drive. …

Other unusual features of this fine home include automatic thermostat heat control in every room, the hot water heating plant being equipped with automatic gas control. A similar device provided for the hot water tank is governed by faucet control, effective at the turning of a faucet in any section of the home. …

$25,000 1928 dollars is equivalent to about $356,844 today.

The house is featured in this ad from a local Realtor, this appeared before the house was finished, running at the end of 1927.

The 1928 ad for the South Windsor Improvement Association, also featured the home.

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Recent Comments:

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