NewsPhoto Du JourStuccoWindsor

Contest Time!

Ok, as everyone knows, I LOVE STUCCO!

I’ve decided to roll that passion and love into the first ever Stucco Photo contest.

Here’s how it will work.

Grab your camera, head out and take a photo of that fugly stucco building you pass by all the time.

When you’ve done that, go ahead an email the photo to:

Once all the entries are in, I’ll set up a page with all the submissions, and we’ll have a vote on which building looks the worst in the city.

The prize you ask?

The winner will receive a copy of the brand spankin’ new 2009 Calendar “Lost Windsor” a look back at some of the buildings lost over the last 5 years since this site has been going.

Full details on the calendar will follow shortly, they will be also be available for purchase in case you’re not the lucky winner. They make a great Christmas present too! đŸ˜‰

Here are the few basic rules of the contest:

    – One entry per person only, please.

    – While new buildings built with stucco on purpose won’t be discouraged, I’m hoping to highlight “renovation stucco” jobs. You know, the kind where someone actually believed that they were making an existing building better.

    – Submissions will be accepted on a first come first serve basis. So if you submit a building that someone else has already submitted, I’ll send you an email and let you know to try again.

    – Contest opens today – November 17, 2008. Contest submission deadline is Saturday, November 29th, 2008 at 11:59 pm. That gives you two weeks to track down some of those bad jobs.

    – Voting will start Monday December 1, 2008 and will close on December 7, 2008. Winners will be announced on Monday December 8, 2008, and the owner of the winning entry will receive their calendar by mail.

    – The subject must be located inside Windsor City Limits

    – Please include the location of the building in your email, along with the photo. The photo can be sent as is, don’t worry about file size or trying to shrink the photo down before sending it. Please do not send any photos that are smaller that 800 pixels wide or overly compressed if you do resize it first.

    – Have fun, let’s try and shame some people who think that stucco is a viable renovation option! đŸ™‚

If you have any questions, please feel free to ask, however please note that I will have very limited email access over the next week, and I will respond by Sunday at the latest.

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