
Call for submissions

Leesa from Artcite has asked me to post this here. I know there are a few photographers who check in here, and I figured some might be interested in making submission as well.

I plan on doing so.

Submission details can be found here in this pdf flyer.


Artcite Inc.

Call for Submissions: “Check Out This Sprawl”
Open to all Windsor, Essex & Detroit area artists; photography; unjuried.
Entry deadline: Saturday, May 17, 2008, 5:00 pm

Artcite is currently accepting submissions for a collaborative photographic installation, “Check Out This Sprawl”, to be featured in Artcite’s west gallery and presented in conjunction with the Citizens Environment Alliance’s annual “Smogfest” events. Artcite’s “Check Out This Sprawl” exhibition opens on Friday, May 23, 2008, 7:30 pm (with a free opening reception) and runs through Saturday, June 21, 2008, 5:00 pm.
We are currently seeking photographs that investigate/highlight general issues of “sprawl” in the Windsor-Essex and Detroit areas for inclusion in this special on-site installation.

Photographs may address:

o community/economic/social impact of big box and suburban development (new employment opportunities or dead-end jobs? Area revitalization or the death-blow to urban-centered business districts?);
o encroachment of farmland and green spaces to big box and housing development;
o historic buildings lost to new development;
o under-utilized and ailing buildings and neighbourhoods;
o urban blight; other impact on the environment and/or community, etc.

We are also seeking photographs that reflect positive changes and impacts that are taking place, including, but not limited to: revitalized neighbourhoods, buildings, green spaces (guerrilla gardening? return of wildlife to urban centres, i.e., blue herons, peregrine falcons), etc.

There are no restrictions on photograph dimensions and ALL “sprawl-related” colour or black & white and digitally printed photos will be included in this collaborative, community-based installation. Photographs will be hung salon-style, first come-first hung. Please submit unframed photographs (or framed, if you prefer) for inclusion by Saturday, May 17, 5:00 pm for the launch of the exhibition.

There is no limit on how many photographs each person submits, however, please include an identification label (incl: artists’ name, address, tel # and e-mail) on the back of each photograph to guarantee its return.

We regret that due to the unjuried nature of this exhibit, artist’s fees cannot be paid to participants, but project documentation will be available to participants. All works, materials and supplies exhibited during “Check Out This Sprawl” will be insured during the exhibition run only; Artcite Inc. is not responsible for loss or damage to artworks or supplies not picked up following the closing of the exhibition (by June 27, 2008).

We look forward to your participation!

For more information about this exciting showcase, contact:
Leesa Bringas, Artistic Coordinator or Christine Burchnall, Administrative Coordinator at Artcite Inc., Windsor’s artist-run centre for the contemporary arts since 1982
109 University Ave. W. Windsor, ON N9A 5P4
* tel/fax: (519) 977-6564 * *

Gallery hours: Wed – Sat, noon – 5 pm. Office hours: Tues, noon – 5 pm.
Please note that Artcite is closed Sundays and Mondays.

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