Photo Du JourPostcardsWindsor

Bali-Hi Motor Hotel

I’m hoiping someone has some memories of this place…

Canada’s FIRST and most EXOTIC Hotel
1280 Ouellette Ave., Windsor, Ontario
on King’s Highway No. 2 & 3

Windsor Phone CL 6-4575 – Detroit Phone WO 1-2121

Located in downtown Windsor. Rooms completely carpeted and equipped with free T.V. and background music. Air conditioned, bridal suites, party and conference rooms. Featuring “The Balinese Room”. Serving complete dinners & cocktails with intimate organ bar.

Looking at the postcard, it looked like it was quite the swanky place to stay in the 1960’s.

Today the main office is gone, and in later years it looked like above. This was a photo I shot in August 2001. (Sorry for the poor quality, it is from the only set of photos I ever shot of it) Today the building is a square box along Ouellette. It is home to Iris Inn, a group home for people with mental illness. At the end of its Motel life it was known as the Bavarian Inn, having long cast aside the exoitc far east theme. Iris opened in 2003, but I can’t remeber if it was a full tear down, or just a new front office and rehab of the rooms.

I recently cames across this postcard of the Bali-Hi inn on Jefferson Ave. in Detroit. If you look closely you see that the two figures visible on the postcard above, can also be found on the wall of the Detroit Bali-Hi. Was this simply a regional chain, or were there more Bali-Hi’s?

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Recent Comments:

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