The end is coming for one local landmark, and the end is now confirmed to have come and gone for another…
First up are a series of three photos from Darren, who sent along yesterday’s progress on the scrapping of the Ford Casting Plant.
Comparing it to the last set of photos, they are really making progress…
The big stacks are now being attacked…
By the end of the day the stack was gone…
CRASH! … I’m sure whatever is in that dust is good for you… 🙂
Thanks for the updates Darren
Back in September I had post on the old liner Aquarama, who spent many years berthed in the west end rotting away.
Postcard above from the John Setfani collection
Peter Hartung from Germany, had been keeping us updated on that thread with news from overseas.
Selim San, from Turkey sent him the sad photo above of the Aquarama being scrapped this past November in Turkey. She’s long gone and nothing but scrap metal now.
Thanks to Peter for keeping us informed of the status of the old Girl…
Danke Peter für die Nachrichten.
There are more photos of the scrapping, as well as some great old photos on this forum here (text is in German – but the photos are worth the visit):
From the Border Cities Star - December 6, 1924, almost a century ago to the…
Built in 1929, the house at 2177 Victoria Avenue was originally numbered 1545 Victoria, pre…
Crescent Lanes first opened on Ottawa Street in 1944 at 1055 Ottawa Street, opposite Lanspeary…
Above is a photo of the home of Mr & Mrs Oswald Janisse, located at…
in 1917 two Greek brothers Gus & Harry Lukos purchased a one story building on…
Photo from Google Streetview A long time reader sent me an email the other week…
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I onced lived down the street. I remember sitting on the grass staring up at the Aquarama with my father and him telling me "If I had the money, I'd turn that into a party boat." I thought he was brilliant! lol
Thanks for the memory.
Great shots in this series Andrew!
There's something wrong with the chronology of those Ford plant photos. In the second photo all three stacks are gone, as are the cranes, and in the third photo the two stacks in the background are back (as are the cranes). Are you sure that cloud of dust isn't from something else that came down after all three stacks were removed and the cranes moved away? It looks like the dust must be coming from something in the building or in front of it, not behind.
Jodi - you're right... I'm sure I posted them out of order. Sorry! I'm not sure what the cloud of dust was from, but based on what's there, I did post them out of order... I'll fix it... Thanks for catching that.
the cloud of dust was from that whole section of the structure collapsing which was under the two smaller stacks to the left. you can just see the pile of rubble behind the dust. the tallest stack still remains. the order of the photos seems correct to me viewing it now, so i see andrew fixed it. thanks.
these huge clouds of dust keep happening every time a large part of the foundry collapses. they keep cutting away very large pieces of it and they fall to the ground where it's all cut up and put into large containers to be hauled away by trucks.
My Grandpa use to take my cousins and I down to the river and every now and then we'd check out the Aquarama. Back then I thought it would be a great house boat.
Whatever happened to that boat that was in the ditch in front of Ojibway Park? That disappeared sometime in the mid 90s, probably for safety reason...
i thought i saw some sort of white bus like thing in there the other day with amber flashing lights on it. wondered if it was that air quality test bus. i hope someone is monitoring the air around there while all this is going on. sounds like a pretty quiet day so far thanks to the snow.