Old PhotographsPhoto Du JourWindsor

Then, Then and Now

The former Tepperman’s Building on Ottawa St. has had a long and interesting history.

First built in 1939, the building was originally only one story tall. It was designed by J.P. Thomson, who was at the time working for Sheppard & Masson.

(Photo from the collection of Windsor’s Community Museum – P09974)

The post war boom saw the second and third floors added in 1946, also designed by JP Thomson. Thomson eventually left and founded his own firm, which still exists to this day as J.P. Thomson Associates Ltd.

For many years the building was a CAW Hall and was clad in a corrugated metal siding. The photo above was taken in 2005, after the siding was removed.

Rosatti Contruction, “prettied” it up for us by puting in frosted glass windows, and covering it in stucco in 2006.

I also noticed that the “Great Satan” of stucco has struck again, this time this red brick building on the north side of Ottawa St., between Parent and Langlois has been covered over.

I guess I am still in shock that there are people out there that actually think this looks good, and is an improvement over the orignal brick.

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