
Help Save Festival Epicure

Forwarding on an e-mail I recieved today:

At a time when tourism in this region is at an all time low, it is important to keep
established events that the community and tourists alike look forward to every year.
No, taxpayers should not be responsible for footing the bill, but busineses in our
region should come together to ensure that this festival, that provides enjoyment
and entertainment to families, continues.

It’s not true that a new festival can take the place of Festival Epicure, as it took
Epicure 12 years to establish its current reputation as a great event and reach
attendance records of over 35,000 in a weekend. In the last seven years it has
generated over $165,000 to the Kidney Foundation of Canada, employed local residents
to assist in running the festival, used local businesses and promoted our region to
people across the world.

Windsor is fortunate in that we have some really vibrant and exciting festivals that
take place all over our city and make it a great place to live and visit. As a
community, we are facing many struggles at the moment. It would be detrimental to
lose a festival this successful and of this magnitude. It is a benefit to our
community and makes Windsor an attractive place to work and live.

Again, while we do not expect taxpayers dollars to be used to finance this event, we
do believe it is important to have our community show their vocal support and our
corporate citizens to show financial support. Events such as this are a benefit to
our community and make Windsor an attractive place to work and live.

People can show their support for Festival Epicure by visiting

Adriano Ciotoli

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