NewsPhoto Du JourWindsor

Photo Du Jour – November 23, 2005 – Packing Up?

As almost everyone in the region knows, Daimler Chrysler’s Canadian Headquarters are located in downtown Windsor, directly across the river from the RenCen and G.M.

Front door of DCX’s Canadian HQ. Located in Windsor since the early 1920’s.

I awoke this morning to grab my newspaper only to be greeting by the following story:

There was a huge battle between preservationists at the time the building was going to be built. They wanted to demolish Windsor’s last intact 19th century commercial block.

The preservationists lost. The Moron Mayor and idiot city councilors, the majority who wouldn’t know heritage value if it fell out of a tree and landed on them, went on and on about how the new building would “revitalize downtown”. Construction began, and in 1999 the Historic Block was demolished.

So here we are six years later. The building went way over budget. The height of the tower was reduced from 30 stories to 14. The city of Windsor pays $50k a month as per the development deal, to lease two empty floors in the building. The ground floor retail finally signed its first tenant. A Keg Steakhouse (a Canadian Chain Restaurant) hopes to be open for Superbowl.

I’m still waiting for my revitalization.

At least when Chrysler crapped on Highland Park they stayed in the region, moving 200+ miles away is a crock. When Ford shit on Windsor and split for Oakville (suburban Toronto) in 1954, it nearly destroyed the Ford City area of town they were located. In fact a half century later the area is still depressed.

All this has done is confirmed my belief to never buy a Chrysler. If you can turn your back on the place you’ve been Headquartered since your incorporation, then I’ve got no time for you. I think I’ll buy Japanese next time. They are the only automakers with job growth in North America.

To DCX and the executives contemplating the move?

All I can say is:

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