Residential Section of Ouellette - c. 1937
March 13, 2013
A nice view looking north on Ouellette from about Pine Street. The top of the Medical Arts building is poking out on the left towards the top of the picture.
A close up of some of the cars with a hint of some of the houses along Ouellette. Maybe some of the car experts out…
1534 Windsor Avenue - 1949 - G. G. McKeough Hardware
March 11, 2013
One of the things I like about old advertising, people used to put in a picture of their business, leaving us a neat record of some buidling that may not be captured for any other reason.
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Strangely, in a very non-Windsor way, part of the building shown in…
An interesting old ad. This one is from 1949, still trying to sell lots down in Southlawn Gardens. Interestingly the ad was put out by the South Windsor Development Company Limited. I have seen references to the South Windsor Development Company Limited on subdivision ads…
Tepperman's - 1949
February 27, 2013
An interesting advertisement from December 1949. This one shows the Ottawa Street Tepperman’s store, and also has a nice picture of Nate Tepperman. This is a long time Windsor Business, and it’s good too see them still around. A list of the oldest businesses in…
Canadian Automotive Trim - 1949
February 25, 2013
Located on Walker Road, the building was located on the east side just south of Edna street.
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The plant, owned by National Automotive Fibres Inc. had a sister operation open in Ajax in 1953. It manufactured interior trim parts for Ford, Chrysler, General Motors, American Motors and Studebaker. In 1957 the Windsor plant was closed and all the work was moved to the new operation in…
International Tools Limited - 875 Tecumseh Road East - 1949
February 22, 2013
A view of the old International Tools / Great Lakes Die Casting building that was once located at 875 Tecumseh Rd. E. This building was located on the south side of Tecumseh Road, just west of Parent, on the site of today’s Caboto Club.
Another long gone building, and…
This Weekend - 2013 Essex Train Show
February 20, 2013
This weekend, February 23 & 24, will see the 18th Annual Essex Train Show take place. From 10am – 4pm both days, the show features various vendors of all kinds of model trains, collectibles, artifacts, displays and ephemera. The show has grown in recent years so be…